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How would it feel if you could…

→ Not put yourself last, and still take care of others?
→ Have more time to spend being fully present with the people you love, without neglecting your responsibilities?
→ Feel super nourished by your relationships, and not angry, frustrated, resentful or unseen?
→ Reduce anxiety and overwhelm and live a life that feels fully aligned with your values, from sunrise to sunset?

Join me for a free webinar on how to establish healthy boundaries so that you no longer feel stressed out, spread too thin, or like your needs come last.

I will teach you the art of asking for what you need from others and creating standards of behavior for yourself (and them) without feeling guilty or being a jerk. With healthy boundaries you can deepen your relationships and love people better.

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Feeling good in your life and relationships is your right AND your responsibility.

Step into your power.

*Replay recording of the workshop will be available for 1 week if you cannot make it live.