Do you dread mondays because it means you have to get "back on track"?
Usually it starts pretty direct:
I’m going to eat super healthy and go to the gym every day and lose 10 pounds.
And you start off pretty well, sticking to the plan and exercising until after a couple days you just feel tired and stressed and all you want to do is eat some pizza. And then the cycle starts:
You eat something "bad"
You say, "screw it" and eat lots of other "bad" things too cause you already ruined your diet
You feel guilty for all the bad things you ate and feel bad about yourself
You decide on a new diet or another set of rules you will adopt to "do better next time"
With each diet you may see some short-term results but you always feel like you end up back where you started (or worse).
If you are tired of spending 90% of the Mondays of your life starting your diet over again, this challenge is for you.
- What if you never counted calories or macros again?
- In fact, what if you just never really thought about food?
- What if you didn’t beat yourself up or pick apart your flaws when you looked in the mirror?
- What if you didn’t absentmindedly eat when you were stressed or emotional?
I know ‘cause I did it. And now I am sharing some more of my secrets with you.
Join the Dump Your Diet video series and every other day for 5 days I will send you an email with a video and a prompt or activity to help you:
Understand why you feel like you have to diet.
Eliminate emotional and stress eating.
Eat the things you want without feeling guilty.
Distinguish between a physical and an emotional hunger cue.
Think of how much energy, brainpower and confidence you would get back if you didn’t constantly spaz about food and felt great in your body.
This non-diet challenge is going on now. Are you ready to stop disrespecting your body with diets and start loving yourself healthy?
You In?
(It’s free, so you’ve got nothing to lose but bad habits, negative thoughts, and comparisonitis.)