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Offline In the Sunshine
to May 23

Offline In the Sunshine

Grow your business in the summer? AND have more time in the sunshine?

Yes please!

By re-designing your business for the summer, you don't need a income hiatus in order to have more fun in the sun. In fact, by harnessing the natural summer play and creativity, you can exponentially grow your business without chaining yourself to the hustle.

Get Your Ticket Here

Dive in with coaches Mandy Sciacchitano and Lisa Pachence for both parts, as we share the 4 Steps to grow your business over the summer AND spend more time on creativity, fun, and self-expression.

And the best part: it’s all online. Once you sign up, we'll send you the private Zoom link so you can plant your tush on the couch with a glass of wine and your cozy pants while you create the momentum you desire in your business.

Join us and receive these key skills and tools:

  • Developing your mindset to ditch the hustle and don your natural power

  • Harnessing the summer energy of play, self-expression, and creativity

  • Building a plan that enforces freedom and flexibility

  • Moving through resistance when you just don't wanna

  • Retooling the summer energy to work FOR you!

  • Create SUSTAINABLE momentum in your business that will last through the fall

Who's this Workshop For?

  • Entrepreneurs upleveling their business

  • Solopreneurs with big goals in store for 2019-2020

  • Leaders who are on the verge of income breakthroughs

  • Those on summer break (Teachers, Career Counselors) ready to rock their side hustle

This isn’t just another business training. We are marrying business strategy with spiritual and personal growth tools so that you can create that sweet spot that every entrepreneur hopes for in their business: kicking ass with ease.


Our intention is that our attendees gain MASSIVE amounts of value! In signing up, you'll also receive:

  • A free, recorded guided meditation to position your mind for success

  • A Warm-Up Ritual Worksheet to move you from stasis to action.

  • A recording of the two Workshops so you can listen at your leisure, or re-listen to gain even more value.

Come join us for inspiration, fun, and action!

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