Reiki Membership Terms & Conditions
I agree to be a part of the reiki and coaching membership program provided by Mandy Sciacchitano. I understand that the fee of $133 for the Energy Glow program or $322 for the Energy Flow program is payable on the same date of the month as my enrollment date for a minimum of 3 months, after which the monthly payment will continue until cancelled by the client.
I understand that payment is only accepted via bank or Venmo transfer, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard). A $35 fee will apply for every 7 days that a payment is late. Sessions may be suspended if payment is not received for 14 days.
I understand that I am responsible for my own participation in reiki and coaching, and for my own well-being. I have not taken on reiki or coaching as a substitute for the services of a health professional. I have not taken on reiki or coaching to handle a physical, emotional, mental, or addictive problem. I am clear that no part of reiki or coaching is presented by or under the supervision of health professionals.
I assume for myself and any other involved persons, all risk of physical injury and emotional upset, which may occur during or after reiki or coaching. I agree to hold Mandy Sciacchitano, its agents and officers harmless from any and all liability arising out of my participation in coaching.